Configuring OSGi Declarative Services (2024 Edition)
In my blog post about Getting Started with OSGi Declarative Services I provided an introduction to OSGi declarative services. How to create them, how they behave at runtime, how to reference other services, and so on. But I left out an important topic there: configuring OSGi components. Well to be precise I mentioned it, and one sort of configuration was also used in the examples, but it was not explained in detail. As there are multiple aspects with regards to component configuration I wanted to write a blog post that is dedicated to that topic, and here it is.
After reading this blog post you should have a deeper understanding of how OSGi components can be configured.
A component can be configured via Component Properties. Properties are key-value-pairs that can be accessed via Map<String, Object>
. With DS 1.3 the Component Property Types are introduced for type safe access to Component Properties.
Component Properties can be defined in different ways:
- inline
- via Java properties file
- via OSGi Configuration Admin
- via argument of the
method (only for factory components, and as I didn’t cover them in the previous blog post, I won’t cover that topic here aswell)
Component Properties that are defined inline or via properties file can be overridden by using the OSGi Configuration Admin or the ComponentFactory.newInstance
argument. Basically the property propagation is executed sequentially. Therefore it is even possible to override inline properties with properties from a properties file, if the properties file is specified after the inline properties.
The SCR (Service Component Runtime) always adds the following Component Properties that can’t be overridden:
- - The component name.
- - A unique value (
) that is larger than all previously assigned values. These values are not persistent across restarts.
In a life cycle method (activate/modified/deactivate) you can get the Component Properties via method parameter. The properties that are retrieved in event methods for referencing other services (bind/updated/unbind) are called Service Properties. The SCR performs a property propagation in that case, which means that all non-private Component Properties are propagated as Service Properties. To mark a property as private, the property name needs to be prefixed with a full stop (‘.’).
First I will explain how to specify Component Properties in different ways. I will use a simple example that inspects the properties in a life cycle method. After that I will show some examples on the usage of properties of service references.
Let’s start to create a new project for the configurable components:
- Create a new plug-in project
- Main Menu → File → New → Plug-in Project
- Set name to org.fipro.ds.configurable
- In the Target Platform section select
- This plug-in is targeted to run with: an OSGi framework:
- Select standard in the combobox
- Check Generate OSGi metadata automatically
- Click Next
- Set Name to Configurable Services
- Select Execution Environment JavaSE-17
- Ensure that Generate an Activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI are disabled
- Click Finish
- If you do not see the tabs at the bottom of the recently opened editor with name org.fipro.ds.configurable, close the editor and open the pde.bnd file in the project org.fipro.ds.configurable.
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Add the
to get the bundle automatically started in an Equinox runtime - Add the
instruction to create the requirement on Java 17Bundle-Name: Configurable Services Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fipro.ds.configurable Bundle-Vendor: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy -runee: JavaSE-17
- Add the
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Create the package org.fipro.ds.configurable
Inline Component Properties
You can add Component Properties to a declarative service component via the @Component
annotation property type element. The value of that annotation type element is an array of Strings, which need to be given as key-value pairs in the format _
The following types are supported:
String (default)
There are typically two use cases for specifying Component Properties inline:
- Define default values for Component Properties
- Specify some sort of meta-data that is examined by referencing components
Of course the same applies for Component Properties that are applied via Properties file, as they have an equal ranking.
- Create a new class
- It should be a simple Immediate Component
Remember that as an Immediate Component, it doesn’t implement an interface and it doesn’t specify the service type element. - It should have the following Component Properties
- message to provide a String value
- iteration to provide an Integer value
- In the
method the Component Properties should be inspected and the message will be printed out to the console as often as specified in iteration.
- It should be a simple Immediate Component
package org.fipro.ds.configurable;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
property = {
"message=Welcome to the inline configured service",
public class StaticConfiguredComponent {
void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) {
String msg = (String) properties.get("message");
Integer iter = (Integer) properties.get("iteration");
for (int i = 1; i <= iter; i++) {
System.out.println("static - " + i + ": " + msg);
Now execute the example as a new OSGi Framework run configuration (please have a look at Getting Started with OSGi Declarative Services - 6. Run to see how to setup such a configuration). If you used the same property values as specified in the above example, you should see the welcome message printed out 3 times to the console.
It is for sure not a typical use case to inspect the inline specified properties at activation time. But it should give an idea on how to specify Component Properties statically inline via @Component
Component Property Types
With the DS 1.3 specification the Component Property Types where introduced. They can be used as alternative to the component property Map<String, Object>
parameter for retrieving the Configuration Properties in a life cycle method. Since 1.4 Component Property Types can also be used as annotations on a component implementation class.
The Component Property Type is specified as a custom annotation type, that contains property names, property types and default values. To be used as an annotation on a component implementation class, it needs to be annotated with @ComponentPropertyType
. Further information can be found in 112.8.2 Component Property Types.
The following snippet shows the definition of such an annotation for the above example:
package org.fipro.ds.configurable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ComponentPropertyType;
public @interface MessageConfig {
String message() default "";
int iteration() default 0;
Many of the examples found in the web show the definition of the annotation inside the component class. But of course it is also possible to create a public annotation in a separate file so it is reusable in multiple components.
The following snippet shows the above examples, modified to use a Component Property Type:
package org.fipro.ds.configurable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
@MessageConfig(message = "Welcome to the inline configured service", iteration = 3)
public class StaticConfiguredComponent {
void activate(MessageConfig config) {
String msg = config.message();
int iter = config.iteration();
for (int i = 1; i <= iter; i++) {
System.out.println("static - " + i + ": " + msg);
If properties are needed that are not specified in the Component Property Type, you can have both as method arguments. Since DS 1.3 there are different method signatures supported, including the combination of Component Property Type and the component property Map<String, Object>
The reasons for choosing annotation types are:
- Limitations on annotation type definitions match component property types (no-argument methods and limited return types supported)
- Support of default values
As Component Property Types are intended to be type safe, an automatic conversion happens. This is also true for Component Properties that are specified via Java Properties files.
Component Properties from resource files
Another way specify Component Properties statically is to use a Java Properties File that is located inside the bundle. It can be specified via the @Component
annotation properties type element, where the value needs to be an entry path relative to the root of the bundle.
Create a simple properties file named in the root folder of the org.fipro.ds.configurable project.
message=Welcome to the file configured service iteration=4
- Add the
instruction to the pde.bnd file
This is necessary to include the file to the resulting bundle jar file.-includeresource: OSGI-INF/
The destination is on the left side of the assignment and the source is on the right. If only the source is specified (that means no assignment), the file is added to the bundle root without the folder where it is included in the sources. - Create a new class
as a simple Immediate Component- Use the properties type element in the
annotation - Get the Component Properties message and iteration from the properties file via
Component Property Type.
- Use the properties type element in the
package org.fipro.ds.configurable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
public class FileConfiguredComponent {
void activate(MessageConfig config) {
String msg = config.message();
int iter = config.iteration();
for (int i = 1; i <= iter; i++) {
System.out.println("file - " + i + ": " + msg);
With a PDE Plug-in project layout, you need to add the OSGI-INF/ file to the to include it in the resulting bundle jar file. This is of course only necessary in case you haven’t added the whole directory to the
On executing the example you should now see the console outputs for both components.
I’ve noticed two things when playing around with the Java Properties File approach:
- Compared with the inline properties it is not possible to specify a type. You can only get Strings if you use the
Map<String, Object>
parameter, which leads to manual conversions. This can be solved by using Component Property Types - The properties file needs to be located in the same bundle as the component. It can not be added via fragment.
Having these two facts in mind, there are not many use cases for this approach. IMHO this approach was intended to support client specific properties that are for example placed inside the bundle in the build process.
Component Properties via OSGi Configuration Admin
Now let’s have a look at the dynamic configuration by using the OSGi Configuration Admin. For this we create a new component, although it would not be necessary, as we could also use one of the examples before (remember that we could override the statically defined Component Properties dynamically via the Configuration Admin). But I wanted to start with creating a new component, to have a class that can be directly compared with the previous ones.
To specify properties via Configuration Admin it is not required to use any additional type element. You only need to know the configuration PID of the component to be able to provide a configuration object for it. The configuration PID (Persistent IDentity) is used as a key for objects that need a configuration dictionary. With regards to the Component Configuration this means, we need the configuration PID to be able to provide the configuration object for the component.
The PID can be specified via the configurationPid type element of the @Component
annotation. If not specified explicitly it is the same as the component name, which is the fully qualified class name.
Via the configurationPolicy type element it is possible to configure the relationship between component and component configuration, e.g. whether there needs to be a configuration object provided via Configuration Admin to satisfy the component. The following values are available:
Use the corresponding configuration object if present, but allow the component to be satisfied even if the corresponding configuration object is not present. This is the default value.ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE
There must be a corresponding configuration object for the component configuration to become satisfied. This means that there needs to be a configuration object that is set via Configuration Admin before the component is satisfied and therefore can be activated. With this policy it is for example possible to control the startup order or component activation based on configurations.ConfigurationPolicy.IGNORE
Always allow the component configuration to be satisfied and do not use the corresponding configuration object even if it is present. This basically means that the Component Properties can not be changed dynamically using the Configuration Admin.
If a configuration change happens at runtime, the SCR needs to take actions based on the configuration policy. Configuration changes can be creating, modifying or deleting configuration objects. Corresponding actions can be for example that a Component Configuration becomes unsatisfied and therefore Component Instances are deactivated, or to call the modified life cycle method, so the component is able to react on a change.
To be able to react on a configuration change at runtime, a method to handle the modified life cycle can be implemented. Using the DS annotations this can be done by using the @Modified
annotation, where the method parameters can be the same as for the other life cycle methods (see the Getting Started Tutorial for further information on that).
If you do not specify a modified life cycle method, the Component Configuration is deactivated and afterwards activated again with the new configuration object. This is true for the configuration policy REQUIRE as well as for the configuration policy OPTIONAL.
- Create a new class
as an Immediate Component - Specify the configuration PID AdminConfiguredComponent so it is not necessary to use the full qualified class name of the component when trying to configure it.
- Set the configuration policy REQUIRE, so the component will only be activated once a configuration object is set by the Configuration Admin.
- Add life cycle methods for modified and deactivate to be able to play around with different scenarios.
package org.fipro.ds.configurable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ConfigurationPolicy;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified;
configurationPid = "AdminConfiguredComponent",
configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE
public class AdminConfiguredComponent {
void activate(MessageConfig config) {
System.out.println("AdminConfiguredComponent activated");
void modified(MessageConfig config) {
System.out.println("AdminConfiguredComponent modified");
void deactivate() {
System.out.println("AdminConfiguredComponent deactivated");
private void printMessage(MessageConfig config) {
String msg = config.message();
int iter = config.iteration();
for (int i = 1; i <= iter; i++) {
System.out.println(i + ": " + msg);
If we now execute our example, we will see nothing new. The reason is of course that there is no configuration object yet provided by the Configuration Admin.
Before we are able to do this we need to prepare our environment. That means that we need to add the Configuration Admin Service to the Eclipse IDE or the used Target Platform, as it is not part of the default installation / SDK.
If you followed the DS Getting Started Tutorial and the Component Testing blog post, you have a Target Platform Definition in place, which you need to extend by adding the Equinox Compendium SDK.
- Open the file in the project
- Switch to the Source tab
- Add the
to the Eclipse Release location
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde version="3.8"?>
<target name="">
<unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
<unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
<repository location=""/>
- Switch back to the Definition tab
- Click Reload Target Platform
Now it is possible create a Gogo Shell command that will be used to change a configuration object at runtime.
- Open the pde.bnd file of the org.fipro.ds.configurable project
- Add
- Add
- Create a new package org.fipro.ds.configurable.command
- Create a new class
in that package as Delayed Component that will be registered as a service for theConfigureCommand
class. - It has a reference to the
service, which is used to create/get theConfiguration
object for the PID AdminConfiguredComponent and updates the configuration with the given values.
package org.fipro.ds.configurable.command;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
property = {
service=ConfigureCommand.class )
public class ConfigureCommand {
ConfigurationAdmin cm;
public void configure(String msg, int count) throws IOException {
Configuration config = cm.getConfiguration("AdminConfiguredComponent");
Hashtable<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<>();
props.put("message", msg);
props.put("iteration", count);
To set configuration values via ConfigurationAdmin
service you still need to operate on a Dictionary
, which means you need to know the parameter names. You can not use Component Property Types here, as it is not possible to create an instance of an annotation. But of course on setting the values you are type safe.
The two Component Properties osgi.command.scope and osgi.command.function are specified inline. These are necessary so the Apache Gogo Shell recognizes the component as a service that can be triggered by entering the corresponding values as a command to the console. This shows the usage of Component Properties as additional meta-data that is examined by other components. Also note that we need to set the service type element, as only services can be referenced by other components.
To execute the example you need to add additional dependencies to the Run Configuration:
- Open the run configuration via Run -> Run Configurations…
- Select the previously created run configuration and add the following Bundles
- org.osgi.service.coordinator
On executing the example you should notice that the AdminConfiguredComponent
is not activated on startup, although it is an Immediate Component. Now execute the following command on the console: configure foo 2
As a result you should get an output like this:
AdminConfiguredComponent activated
1: foo
2: foo
If you execute the command a second time with different parameters (e.g. configure bar 3
), the output should change to this:
AdminConfiguredComponent modified
1: bar
2: bar
3: bar
The component gets activated after we created a configuration object via the Configuration Admin. The reason for this is ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRED
which means that there needs to be a configuration object for the component configuration in order to be satisfied. Subsequent executions change the configuration object, so the modified
method is called then. Now you can play around with the implementation to get a better feeling. For example, remove the modified
method and see how the component life cycle handling changes on configuration changes.
To start from a clean state again you need to check the option Clear the configuration area before launching in the Settings tab of the Run Configuration.
Using the modified
life cycle event enables to react on configuration changes inside the component itself. To be able to react to configuration changes inside components that reference the service, the updated
event method can be used.
- Create a component that references the
via Method Injection to test this.
package org.fipro.ds.configurable;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
public class AdminReferencingComponent {
AdminConfiguredComponent component;
void activate() {
System.out.println("AdminReferencingComponent activated");
void modified() {
System.out.println("AdminReferencingComponent modified");
void deactivate() {
System.out.println("AdminReferencingComponent deactivated");
void setAdminConfiguredComponent(Map<String, Object> properties) {
System.out.println("AdminReferencingComponent: set service");
void updatedAdminConfiguredComponent(Map<String, Object> properties) {
System.out.println("AdminReferencingComponent: update service");
void unsetAdminConfiguredComponent(Map<String, Object> properties) {
System.out.println("AdminReferencingComponent: unset service");
private void printMessage(Map<String, Object> properties) {
String msg = properties.getOrDefault("message", "").toString();
int iter = ((Number)properties.getOrDefault("iteration", 0)).intValue();
System.out.println("[" + msg + "|" + iter + "]");
The event methods bind|updated|unbind
do not accept Component Property Types as parameter. To access the Service Properties in event methods, the Map<String, Object>
parameter needs to be used.
We use a combination of Field Injection and Method Injection for the AdminConfiguredComponent
. The reason is that we are only dynamically interested in the configuration changes. With the combined approach we can only get the Map<String, Object>
parameter in the event method and react on the changes there.
- Configure the
to be a service component by adding the attributeservice=AdminConfiguredComponent.class
to the@Component
annotation. Otherwise it can not be referenced.
configurationPid = "AdminConfiguredComponent",
configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE,
public class AdminConfiguredComponent {
Now execute the example and call the configure command two times. The result should look similar to this:
g! configure blubb 2
AdminConfiguredComponent activated
1: blubb
2: blubb
AdminReferencingComponent: set service
AdminReferencingComponent activated
g! configure dingens 3
AdminConfiguredComponent modified
1: dingens
2: dingens
3: dingens
AdminReferencingComponent: update service
Calling the configure command the first time triggers the activation of the AdminConfiguredComponent
, which then can be bound to the AdminReferencingComponent
, which is satisfied and therefore can be activated afterwards. The second execution of the configure command triggers the modified
life cycle event method of the AdminConfiguredComponent
and the updated
event method of the AdminReferencingComponent
If you ask yourself why the AdminConfiguredComponent
is still immediately activated, although we made it a service now, the answer is, because it is referenced by an Immediate Component. Therefore the target services need to be bound, which means the referenced services need to be activated too.
This example is also helpful in getting a better understanding of the component life cycle. For example, if you remove the modified
life cycle method from the AdminConfiguredComponent
and call the configure command subsequently, both components get deactivated and activated, which results in new instances. Modifying the @Reference
attributes will also lead to different results then. Change the cardinality, the policy and the policyOption to see the different behavior. Making the service reference OPTIONAL|DYNAMIC|GREEDY
results in only re-activating the AdminConfiguredComponent
but keeping the AdminReferencingComponent
in active state. Changing it to OPTIONAL|STATIC|GREEDY
will lead to re-activation of both components, while setting it OPTIONAL|STATIC|RELUCTANT
any changes will be ignored, and actually nothing happens as the AdminReferencingComponent
never gets satisfied, and therefore the AdminConfiguredComponent
never gets activated.
The correlation between cardinality, reference policy and reference policy option is explained in detail in the OSGi Compendium Specification (table 112.1 in chapter 112.3.8 Reference Policy Option).
Location Binding
Some words about location binding here. The example above created a configuration object using the single parameter version of ConfigurationAdmin#getConfiguration(String)
. The parameter specifies the PID for which a configuration object is requested or should be created. This means that the configuration is bound to the location of the calling bundle. It then can not be consumed by other bundles. So the method is used to ensure that only the components inside the same bundle are affected.
A so-called bound configuration object is sufficient for the example above, as all created components are located in the same bundle. But there are also other cases where for example a configuration service in another bundle should be used to configure the components in all bundles of the application. This can be done by creating an unbound configuration object using the two argument version of ConfigurationAdmin#getConfiguration(String, String)
. The first parameter is the PID and the second parameter specifies the bundle location string.
The location parameter only becomes important if a configuration object will be created. If a configuration for the given PID already exists in the ConfigurationAdmin service, the location parameter will be ignored and the existing object will be returned.
You can use different values for the location argument:
Exact bundle location identifier
In this case you explicitly specify the location identifier of the bundle to which the configuration object should be bound. The location identifier is set when a bundle is installed and typically it is a file URL that points to the bundle jar. It is impossible to have that hard coded and work across multiple installations. But you could retrieve it via a snippet similar to this:Bundle adminBundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(AdminConfiguredComponent.class); String location = adminBundle.getLocation();
But doing this introduces a dependency to the bundle that should be configured, which is typically not a good practice.
The location value for the binding will be set when a service with the corresponding PID is registered the first time. Note that in older versions this might have caused issues if you have multiple services with the same PID in different bundles. In that case only the services in the first bundle that requests a configuration object were able to get it because of the binding. In current implementations this doesn’t seem to be the case anymore, and thenull
value haves the same way as a multi-location binding.-
By using a multi-location binding, the configurations are dispatched to any target that has visibility to the configuration. A multi-location is specified with a leading question mark. It is possible to use only the question mark or adding a multi-location name behind the question mark, e.g.Configuration config = cm.getConfiguration("AdminConfiguredComponent", "?");
Configuration config = cm.getConfiguration("AdminConfiguredComponent", "?org.fipro");
The multi-location name only has importance in case security is turned on and a ConfigurationPermission is specified. Otherwise it doesn’t has an effect. That means, it can not be used to restrict the targets based on the bundle symbolic name without security turned on.
To get familiar with the location binding basics create two additional bundles:
- Create a new plug-in project
- Main Menu → File → New → Plug-in Project
- Set name to org.fipro.ds.configurator
- In the Target Platform section select
- This plug-in is targeted to run with: an OSGi framework:
- Select standard in the combobox
- Check Generate OSGi metadata automatically
- Click Next
- Set Name to Service Configurator
- Select Execution Environment JavaSE-17
- Ensure that Generate an Activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI are disabled
- Click Finish
- If you do not see the tabs at the bottom of the recently opened editor with name org.fipro.ds.configurator, close the editor and open the pde.bnd file in the project org.fipro.ds.configurator.
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Add the
to get the bundle automatically started in an Equinox runtime - Add the
instruction to create the requirement on Java 17 - Add the
instruction and
Bundle-Name: Service Configurator Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fipro.ds.configurator Bundle-Vendor: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy -runee: JavaSE-17 -buildpath:
- Add the
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Create the package org.fipro.ds.configurator
- Create the class
- Copy the
implementation - Change the property value for osgi.command.function to conf
- Change the method name from
to match the osgi.command.function property
- Copy the
- Create a new plug-in project
- Main Menu → File → New → Plug-in Project
- Set name to org.fipro.ds.other
- In the Target Platform section select
- This plug-in is targeted to run with: an OSGi framework:
- Select standard in the combobox
- Check Generate OSGi metadata automatically
- Click Next
- Set Name to Other Service
- Select Execution Environment JavaSE-17
- Ensure that Generate an Activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI are disabled
- Click Finish
- If you do not see the tabs at the bottom of the recently opened editor with name org.fipro.ds.other, close the editor and open the pde.bnd file in the project org.fipro.ds.other.
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Add the
to get the bundle automatically started in an Equinox runtime - Add the
instruction to create the requirement on Java 17Bundle-Name: Other Service Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fipro.ds.other Bundle-Vendor: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy -runee: JavaSE-17
- Add the
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Create the package org.fipro.ds.other
- Create the class
- Copy the
implementation - Use
Map<String, Object>
as parameter in@Activate
instead of theMessageConfig
Component Property Type. This is to verify that both variants are working in combination. If you want to useMessageConfig
, you need to create a file in the packageorg.fipro.ds.configurable
and mark the package to be exported. - Change the console outputs to show the new class name
- Ensure that it is an Immediate Component (i.e. remove the service property or add the immediate property)
- Ensure that configurationPID and configurationPolicy are the same as in
package org.fipro.ds.other; import java.util.Map; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ConfigurationPolicy; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Deactivate; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified; @Component( configurationPid = "AdminConfiguredComponent", configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE ) public class OtherConfiguredComponent { @Activate void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("OtherConfiguredComponent activated"); printMessage(properties); } @Modified void modified(Map<String, Object> properties) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("OtherConfiguredComponent modified"); printMessage(properties); } @Deactivate void deactivate() { System.out.println("OtherConfiguredComponent deactivated"); System.out.println(); } private void printMessage(Map<String, Object> properties) { String msg = properties.getOrDefault("message", "").toString(); int iter = ((Number)properties.getOrDefault("iteration", 0)).intValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= iter; i++) { System.out.println(i + ": " + msg); } } }
- Copy the
Switch to the ConfCommand
and use three different scenarios. Change the first line of the conf()
method according to the below description and launch the application.
- Use the single parameter
Calling the conf command on the console will result in nothing. As the configuration object is bound to the bundle of the command, the other bundles don’t see it and the contained components don’t get activated. - Use the double parameter
getConfiguration(String, String)
where location == null
Only the component(s) of one bundle will receive the configuration object, as it will be bound to the bundle that first registers a service for the corresponding PID. - Use the double parameter
getConfiguration(String, String)
where location == “?”
The components of both bundles will receive the configuration object, as it is dispatched to all bundles that have visibility to the configuration. And as we didn’t mention and configure permissions, all our bundles receive it.
Ensure that the Run Configuration contains the two new bundles in the Bundles section.
Multiple Configuration PIDs
Since DS 1.3 there can be multiple configuration PIDs specified for a component. This way it is for example possible to specify configuration objects for multiple components that share a common PID, while at the same time having a specific configuration object for a single component. To specify multiple configuration PIDs and still keep the default (that is the component name), the placeholder ”$” can be used. By adding the following property to the StaticConfiguredComponent
and the FileConfiguredComponent
created before, the execution of the configure command will update all four components at once.
@Component(configurationPid = {"$", "AdminConfiguredComponent"}, ... )
We don’t update the configurationPid value of AdminConfiguredComponent
. The reason for this is that we use the configuration policy REQUIRE
, which means that the component only gets satisfied if there are configuration objects available for BOTH configuration PIDs. And our example does not create a configuration object for the default PID of the AdminConfiguredComponent
The order of the configuration PIDs matters with regards to property propagation. The configuration object for a PID at the end overrides values that were applied by another configuration object for a PID before. This is similar to the propagation of inline properties or property files. The processing is sequential and therefore later processed instructions override previous ones.
/ @RequireConfigurator
Like with the standard component property types for services, several OSGi specification implementations contain specific standard component property types. Often there are dedicated @RequireXxx
annotations, that can be used directly or as a meta-annotation to require an implementation in the runtime. For the ConfigurationAdmin we have a requirement on the service because we referenced the ConfigurationAdmin
in the ConfigureCommand
. This generates the following Require-Capability
Require-Capability: osgi.service;
In cases where the ConfigurationAdmin
is not directly referenced but needed, the requirement for the runtime can be specified via the @RequireConfigurationAdmin
annotation. Using this for example in a file or directly on a component implementation class, will add the following Require-Capability
Require-Capability: osgi.implementation;
If you want to use the OSGi Configurator, which is explained in the following section, there is no other way to define the requirement on it. You need to use the corresponding @RequireConfigurator
annotation, which generates the following Require-Capability
Require-Capability: osgi.extender;
filter := "(&(osgi.extender=osgi.configurator)
If you only use the Configurator in combination with the ConfigurationAdmin, and don’t use the programmatical approach for configuration like in the above example, there is no requirement on the ConfigurationAdmin
service. In that case you should use @RequireConfigurationAdmin
and @RequireConfigurator
in combination.
Bndtools vs. PDE
As we use the Automatic Manifest Generation PDE project layout, the mechanisms are quite the same. The dependencies are added via the bnd.bnd file in the -buildpath
instruction. Additionally the launch configuration needs to be updated manually to include the Configuration Admin bundle.
- Open the launch.bndrun file
- On the Run tab click on Resolve
- Verify the values values shown in the opened dialog in the Required Resources section
- Click Finish
If you change a component class while the example is running, you will notice that the OSGi framework automatically restarts and the values set before via Configuration Admin are gone. This is because the Bndtools OSGi Framework launch configuration has two options enabled by default on the OSGi tab:
- Framework: Update bundles during runtime.
- Framework: Clean storage area before launch.
To test the behavior of components in case of persisted configuration values, you need to disable these settings.
In the above example the configurations were provided to bundles programmatically. In several use cases a configuration should be provided via configuration resources instead of a programmatical way, e.g. to configure a server bundle for different deployments. For this the OSGi R7 Compendium Specification introduced the Configurator Specification which defines a mechanism to feed configurations into the Configuration Admin Service through configuration resources.
Configuration resources can be part of a bundle or provided to the Configurator at startup. To seperate the configuration resource from the bundle that consumes the configuration, you could also choose to use a fragment for that bundle. As we created a setup where two bundles consume the configuration, we create a new bundle that contains the configuration resource.
As there is no Configurator implementation available in Equinox, the first step is to update the Target Definition to include the necessary bundles.
- Open the file in the project
- Switch to the Source tab
- Add a new Maven Location with the following GAVs
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde version="3.8"?>
<target name="">
<unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
<unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
<repository location=""/>
label="OSGi Configurator"
- Switch back to the Definition tab
- Click Reload Target Platform
Eclipse Parsson is an implementation of Jakarta JSON Processing specification and provides a JsonProvider
implementation, which is needed by the Felix implementation to read the configuration JSON.
- Create a new plug-in project
- Main Menu → File → New → Plug-in Project
- Set name to org.fipro.ds.config
- In the Target Platform section select
- This plug-in is targeted to run with: an OSGi framework:
- Select standard in the combobox
- Check Generate OSGi metadata automatically
- Click Next
- Set Name to Service Configuration
- Select Execution Environment JavaSE-17
- Ensure that Generate an Activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI are disabled
- Click Finish
- If you do not see the tabs at the bottom of the recently opened editor with name org.fipro.ds.config, close the editor and open the pde.bnd file in the project org.fipro.ds.config.
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Add the
to get the bundle automatically started in an Equinox runtime - Add the
instruction to create the requirement on Java 17 - Add the
instruction and addorg.osgi.service.configurator
Bundle-Name: Service Configuration Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fipro.ds.config Bundle-Vendor: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy -runee: JavaSE-17 -buildpath: org.osgi.service.configurator
- Add the
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Create the package org.fipro.ds.config
- In the wizard check Create
Copy the following code into the and save the file.
This adds the@RequireConfigurator
to specify the requirement on a Configurator implementation bundle@org.osgi.service.configurator.annotations.RequireConfigurator package org.fipro.ds.config;
Create the configuration resource file with name configurator.json in the project root
{ "AdminConfiguredComponent": { "message": "Welcome to the Configurator configured service", "iteration": 3 } }
- Add the
instruction to the pde.bnd so the configurator.json file is included to the resulting jar-includeresource: OSGI-INF/configurator/configurator.json=configurator.json
- Update the launch configuration
- Add the following bundles to the Bundles of the OSGi Configure launch configuration
- org.fipro.ds.config
- org.apache.felix.configurator
- org.eclipse.parsson.jakarta.json
- org.osgi.service.configurator
- org.osgi.util.converter
- Add the following bundles to the Bundles of the OSGi Configure launch configuration
If you now launch the application you will see that the AdminConfiguredComponent
and the OtherConfiguredComponent
are activated with the configuration provided via the Configurator JSON resource file.
If you wonder why the Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
is always used, this is only because of the Equinox Launcher, which by default does not automatically start all bundles in the runtime. The launch configuration is actually configured to auto-start all bundles. So the lazy activation is not really necessary here. And it is also not necessary, and sometimes even problematic to use it with Bndtools.
Bndtools vs. PDE
The only noticable difference is with the project layout and how the resources are added to the project. In the PDE project layout the configurator.json can be placed in the project root and put into the resulting jar at the correct position via the -includeresource
instruction. The Bndtools project layout is based on default Java project layouts that are used by Maven and Gradle. Resources are placed in src/main/resources. With a Bndtools Workspace, you need to add the -includeresource
instruction like this:
-includeresource: {src/main/resources}
which is explained in the Preprocessing section of the bndtools documentation.
In the Maven project layout the additional -includeresource
instruction is not necessary.
Configuration Resource
As already mentioned the configuration resource format is JSON and must be UTF-8 encoded. Comments in the form of JSMin (The JavaScript Minifier) comments are supported. This will show errors in the Eclipse IDE, because JSON does not allow comments. But the Configurator implementation does.
By default the configuration resources are in the OSGI-INF/configurator directory in the bundle. This can be changed for example via the configurations
attribute on the Require-Capability
header. Via the @RequireConfigurator
annotation, this can be done simply this way, where the given path is always relative to the root of the bundle:
There are several Configurator keys to modify the configuration resource and how the configurations are applied. They start with :configurator:
and provide sufficient defaults when inside a bundle, which is the reason they were not used in the example above.
It is also possible to provide an initial configuration resource from outside a bundle. This can be done by setting a system property with name configurator.initial
where the value needs to be a valid URL. For example, if you have a configurator resource in your host system in C:\temp, you need to start the application with the following parameter -Dconfigurator.initial=file://<host>/C$/temp/configurator.json
, where <host>
is the name of your computer.
When providing a configuration resource from outside a bundle, the :configurator:
keys on resource level need to be set.
The following example shows a configuration file that can be used from outside a bundle. Save a configurator.json with similar content on your disk and launch your application with the -Dconfigurator.initial
parameter. You will notice that now the external configuration will be applied to the services.
// The version of the configuration resource format.
":configurator:resource-version": 1,
// The symbolic name of the configuration resource
":configurator:symbolic-name": "org.fipro.ds.external.config",
// The version of this configuration resource.
":configurator:version": "1.0.0",
// Configuration Dictionary for the PID AdminConfiguredComponent
"AdminConfiguredComponent": {
// Specifies the overwrite policy on configurations set by non-Configurator sources.
// default or force
":configurator:policy": "force",
// The ranking of this configuration. The higher the value, the higher the ranking.
":configurator:ranking": 100,
// The configuration data
"message": "Welcome to the external configured service",
"iteration": 5
Via the :configurator:ranking
configurator key on PID level, you can specify the ranking of the configuration. In the above example the ranking is set to 100, which is higher than the default ranking of 0. Therefore the external configuration is loaded. If you change the value for testing to -1, you will see that the previous configuration in the bundle org.fipro.ds.config
is used again.
Service Properties
As initially explained there is a slight difference between Component Properties and Service Properties. Component Properties are all properties specified for a component that can be accessed in life cycle methods via method parameter. Service Properties can be retrieved via Method Injection (bind/updated/unbind event methods) or via Field Injection. They contain all public Component Properties, which means all excluding those whose property names start with a full stop. Additionally some service properties are added that are intended to give additional information about the service. These properties are prefixed with service, set by the framework and specified in the OSGi Core Specification (, service.scope and service.bundeid).
To play around with Service Properties we set up another playground. For this create the following bundles to simulate a data provider service:
- Create a new plug-in project for the API
- Main Menu → File → New → Plug-in Project
- Set name to
- In the Target Platform section select
- This plug-in is targeted to run with: an OSGi framework:
- Select standard in the combobox
- Check Generate OSGi metadata automatically
- Click Next
- Set Name to Data API
- Select Execution Environment JavaSE-17
- Ensure that Generate an Activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI are disabled
- Click Finish
- If you do not see the tabs at the bottom of the recently opened editor with name, close the editor and open the pde.bnd file in the project
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Add the
instruction to create the requirement on Java 17Bundle-Name: Data API Bundle-SymbolicName: Bundle-Vendor: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier -runee: JavaSE-17
- Add the
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Create the package
- In the wizard check Create
Copy the following code into the and save the file
@org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Export(substitution = org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Export.Substitution.NOIMPORT) @org.osgi.annotation.versioning.Version("1.0.0") package;
Add the following service interface
package; public interface DataService { /** * @param id The id of the requested data value. * @return The data value for the given id. */ String getData(int id); }
- Add the following Component Property Type
package; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ComponentPropertyType; @ComponentPropertyType public @interface FiproConnectivity { String value(); }
The above Component Property Type is a single-element annotation. Therefore the property name for thevalue
method is derived from the name of the component property type rather than the name of the method. Based on the rules described in Component Property Mapping, the property name isfipro.connectivity
- Create a new plug-in project for an Online Data Service Provider
- Main Menu → File → New → Plug-in Project
- Set name to
- In the Target Platform section select
- This plug-in is targeted to run with: an OSGi framework:
- Select standard in the combobox
- Check Generate OSGi metadata automatically
- Click Next
- Set Name to Online Data Provider
- Select Execution Environment JavaSE-17
- Ensure that Generate an Activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI are disabled
- Click Finish
- If you do not see the tabs at the bottom of the recently opened editor with name, close the editor and open the pde.bnd file in the project
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Add the
to get the bundle automatically started in an Equinox runtime - Add the
instruction to create the requirement on Java 17 - Add the
instruction to specify the dependency to the API bundleBundle-Name: Online Data Provider Bundle-SymbolicName: Bundle-Vendor: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy -runee: JavaSE-17 -buildpath: \
- Add the
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
Create the following
implementation, that specifies the property fipro.connectivity=online via theFiproConnectivity
Component Property Type for further usepackage; import; import; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; @Component @FiproConnectivity("online") public class OnlineDataService implements DataService { @Override public String getData(int id) { return "ONLINE data for id " + id; } }
- Create a new plug-in project for an Offline Data Service Provider
- Main Menu → File → New → Plug-in Project
- Set name to
- In the Target Platform section select
- This plug-in is targeted to run with: an OSGi framework:
- Select standard in the combobox
- Check Generate OSGi metadata automatically
- Click Next
- Set Name to Offline Data Provider
- Select Execution Environment JavaSE-17
- Ensure that Generate an Activator and This plug-in will make contributions to the UI are disabled
- Click Finish
- If you do not see the tabs at the bottom of the recently opened editor with name, close the editor and open the pde.bnd file in the project
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
- Add the
to get the bundle automatically started in an Equinox runtime - Add the
instruction to create the requirement on Java 17 - Add the
instruction to specify the dependency to the API bundleBundle-Name: Offline Data Provider Bundle-SymbolicName: Bundle-Vendor: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy -runee: JavaSE-17 -buildpath: \
- Add the
- Switch to the pde.bnd tab
Create the following
implementation, that specifies the property fipro.connectivity=offline via theFiproConnectivity
Component Property Type for further usepackage; import; import; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; @Component @FiproConnectivity("offline") public class OfflineDataService implements DataService { @Override public String getData(int id) { return "OFFLINE data for id " + id; } }
To be able to interact with the data provider services, we create an additional console command in the bundle that references the services and shows the retrieved data on the console on execution. Add it to the bundle org.fipro.ds.configurator or create a new bundle if you skipped the location binding example.
In case you add it to the org.fipro.ds.configurator, don’t forget to add the bundle to the -buildpath
of the pde.bnd.
package org.fipro.ds.configurator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
property= {
public class DataRetriever {
@Reference(bind = "addDataService")
private volatile List<DataService> dataServices;
void addDataService(Map<String, Object> properties) {
System.out.println( "Added " + properties.get(""));
void removeDataService(Map<String, Object> properties) {
System.out.println( "Removed " + properties.get(""));
public void retrieve(int id) {
for (DataService service : this.dataServices) {
Short reminder on the Field Injection statement:
- via the bind attribute in the
annotation, we connect the event methods - via the keyword
the DYNAMIC RELUCTANT reference policy - as the member is of type
the cardinality is MULTIPLE
Add the new bundles to an existing Run Configuration and execute it. By calling the retrieve command on the console you should get an output similar to this:
g! retrieve 3
OFFLINE data for id 3
ONLINE data for id 3
Nothing special so far. Now let’s modify the example to verify the Service Properties.
to print the given properties to the consolevoid addDataService(Map<String, Object> properties) { System.out.println( "Added " + properties.get("")); properties.forEach((k, v) -> { System.out.println(k+"="+v); }); System.out.println(); }
Start the example and execute the retrieve command. The result should now look like this:
g! retrieve 3 Added objectClass=[Ljava.lang.String;@261be3df service.scope=bundle fipro.connectivity=online service.bundleid=9 Added objectClass=[Ljava.lang.String;@6e61df4b service.scope=bundle fipro.connectivity=offline service.bundleid=10 OFFLINE data for id 3 ONLINE data for id 3
The Service Properties contain the fipro.connectivity property specified by us, and additionally several properties that are set by the SCR.
is not in Immediate Component and therefore gets activated when the retrieve command is executed the first time. The target services are bound at activation time, therefore the setter is called at that time and not before. -
Modify the
- Add an Activate life cycle method
- Add a property with a property name that starts with a full stop
package; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; @Component( property = { ".private=private configuration" } ) @FiproConnectivity("offline") public class OfflineDataService implements DataService { @Activate void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) { System.out.println("OfflineDataService activated"); properties.forEach((k, v) -> { System.out.println(k+"="+v); }); System.out.println(); } @Override public String getData(int id) { return "OFFLINE data for id " + id; } }
Execute the retrieve command again and verify the console output. You will notice that the output from the Activate life cycle method contains the .private property but no properties with a service prefix. The output from the bind event method on the other hand does not contain the .private property, as the leading full stop marks it as a private property.
g! retrieve 3 OfflineDataService activated .private=private configuration fipro.connectivity=offline Added objectClass=[Ljava.lang.String;@7f5e3fce service.scope=bundle fipro.connectivity=offline service.bundleid=10 ...
Service Ranking
In case multiple services of the same type are available, the service ranking is taken into account to determine which service will get bound. In case of multiple bindings the service ranking effects in which order the services are bound. The ranking order is defined as follows:
- Sorted on descending ranking order (highest first)
- If the ranking numbers are equal, sorted on ascending property (oldest first)
As service ids are never reused and handed out in order of their registration time, the ordering is always complete.
The property service.ranking can be used to specify the ranking order and in case of OSGi components it can be specified as a Component Property via @Component
where the value needs to be of type Integer
. The default ranking value is zero if the property is not specified explicitly. Since DS 1.4 there are some Standard Component Property Types for the standard component properties. Using the @ServiceRanking
Component Property Type it is possible to configure the service.ranking property.
Modify the two DataService
implementations to specify the initial service.ranking property by using the @ServiceRanking
Component Property Type. For this you need to add org.osgi.service.component to the -buildpath
instruction of the pde.bnd files of the two bundle projects.
public class OnlineDataService implements DataService { ...
property = {
".private=private configuration"
public class OfflineDataService implements DataService { ...
If you start the application and execute the retrieve command now, you will notice that the OnlineDataService
is called first. Change the service.ranking of the OnlineDataService
to 3 and restart the application. Now executing the retrieve command will first call the OfflineDataService
To make this more obvious and show that the service ranking can also be changed dynamically, create a new DataGetter
command in the org.fipro.ds.configurator bundle:
package org.fipro.ds.configurator;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ReferencePolicyOption;
property= {
public class DataGetter {
private volatile DataService dataService;
void activate() {
System.out.println("DataGetter activated");
public void get(int id) {
This command has a MANDATORY reference to a DataService
. The policy option is set to GREEDY which is necessary to bind to a higher ranked service if available. The policy is set to DYNAMIC by using the volatile
keyword to avoid re-activation of the DataGetter
component if a service changes. If you change the policy to STATIC by removing the volatile
keyword, the binding to the higher ranked service is done by re-activating the component.
Finally create a toggle command, which dynamically toggles the service.ranking property of OnlineDataService
package org.fipro.ds.configurator;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
property= {
public class ToggleRankingCommand {
ConfigurationAdmin admin;
void setConfigurationAdmin(ConfigurationAdmin admin) {
this.admin = admin;
public void ranking() throws IOException {
Configuration configOnline =
this.admin.getConfiguration("", null);
Dictionary<String, Object> propsOnline = null;
if (configOnline != null && configOnline.getProperties() != null) {
propsOnline = configOnline.getProperties();
else {
propsOnline = new Hashtable<>();
int onlineRanking = 7;
if (configOnline != null && configOnline.getProperties() != null) {
Object rank = configOnline.getProperties().get("service.ranking");
if (rank != null) {
onlineRanking = (Integer)rank;
// toggle between 3 and 7
onlineRanking = (onlineRanking == 7) ? 3 : 7;
propsOnline.put("service.ranking", onlineRanking);
Starting the example application the first time and executing the get command will return the ONLINE data. After executing the ranking command, the get command will return the OFFLINE data (or vice versa dependent on the initial state).
Reference Properties
Reference Properties are special Component Properties that are associated with specific component references. They are used to configure component references more specifically. Currently there are the Target Property and the Minimum Cardinality Property available as Reference Property. The reference property name needs to follow the pattern <reference_name>.<reference_property> so it can be accessed dynamically.
Target Property
The Target Property can be specified via the @Reference
annotation via the target annotation type element. The value needs to be an LDAP filter expression and is used to select target services for the reference. The following example specifies a Target Property for the DataService
reference of the DataRetriever
command to only select target services which specify the Service Property fipro.connectivity with value online.
bind = "addDataService",
private volatile List<DataService> dataServices;
If you change that in the example and execute the retrieve command in the console again, you will notice that only the OnlineDataService
will be selected by the DataRetriever
In a dynamic environment it needs to be possible to change the Target Property at runtime aswell. This way it is possible to react on changes to the environment for example, like whether there is an active internet connection or not. To change the Target Property dynamically you can use the ConfigurationAdmin service. For this the reference property name needs to be known. Following the pattern <reference_name>.<reference_property> this means for our example where
- reference_name = dataServices
- reference_property = target
the reference property name is
To test this we implement a new command component in org.fipro.ds.configurator that allows us to toggle the connectivity state filter on the dataServices
reference target property.
package org.fipro.ds.configurator;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
property= {
service=ToggleConnectivityCommand.class )
public class ToggleConnectivityCommand {
ConfigurationAdmin admin;
public void toggle() throws IOException {
Configuration config =
Dictionary<String, Object> props = null;
Object target = null;
if (config != null && config.getProperties() != null) {
props = config.getProperties();
target = props.get("");
else {
props = new Hashtable<>();
boolean isOnline = (target == null || target.toString().contains("online"));
// toggle the state
StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder("(fipro.connectivity=");
filter.append(isOnline ? "offline" : "online").append(")");
props.put("", filter.toString());
Some things to notice here:
- We use the default PID to get a configuration object.
- We check if there is already an existing configuration. If there is an existing configuration we operate on the existing
. Otherwise we create a new one. - We try to get the current state from the
. - We create an LDAP filter String based on the retrieved information (or default if the configuration is created) and set it as reference target property.
- We update the configuration with the new values.
If you launch the application you can switch between online and offline by executing the toggle command.
From my observation the reference policy and reference policy option doesn’t matter in that case. On changing the reference target property dynamically, the component gets re-activated to ensure a consistent state.
Specifying the Target Property directly on the reference is a static way of defining the filter. The registering of custom commands to the Apache Gogo Shell seems to work that way, as you can register any service to become a console command when the necessary properties are specified. As there are several use cases where you want to select services without a service type (e.g. Jakarta REST Services), the AnyService was introduced in DS 1.5. To make use of the Any Service Type you need to:
- Use
as the reference member or parameter service type. - The special interface name
must be used. - A Target Property must be present to constrain the target services to some subset of all available services.
To demonstrate the usage we create a new Gogo Shell command, that references all services with the service property osgi.command.scope=fipro
. As the command implementations do not use a dedicated service interface, we can use the Any Service Type mechanism to achieve this.
- Add the
to the-buildpath
instruction of the pde.bnd file of the org.fipro.ds.configurator project - Create the following class in the org.fipro.ds.configurator project
package org.fipro.ds.configurator;
import java.util.List;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
import org.osgi.service.component.AnyService;
property= {
public class ListCommands {
service = AnyService.class,
volatile List<Object> commands;
public void listcmd() {
commands.forEach(cmd -> System.out.println(cmd.getClass()));
If you launch the application now and call the listcmd in the Gogo Shell, you will see a list of all command classes that were created in this tutorial.
In Selecting Target Services you find some more information on the selection of target services and the Any Service Type..
Minimum Cardinality Property
With DS 1.3 the Minimum Cardinality Reference Property was introduced. Via this reference property it is possible to modify the minimum cardinality value at runtime. While it is only possible to specify the optionality via the @Reference
cardinality attribute (this means 0 or 1), you can specify any positive number for MULTIPLE or AT_LEAST_ONE references. So it can be used for example to specify that at least 2 services of a special type needs to be available in order to satisfy the Component Configuration.
The name of the minimum cardinality property is the name of the reference appended with .cardinality.minimum. In our example this would be dataServices.cardinality.minimum
The minimum cardinality can only be specified via the cardinality attribute of the reference element. So it is only possible to specify the optionality to be 0 or 1. To specify the minimum cardinality in an extended way, the minimum cardinality reference property needs to be applied via configuration.
Create a command component in org.fipro.ds.configurator to modify the minimum cardinality property dynamically. It should look like the following example:
package org.fipro.ds.configurator;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
property = {
public class ToggleMinimumCardinalityCommand {
ConfigurationAdmin admin;
public void cardinality(int count) throws IOException {
Configuration config =
Dictionary<String, Object> props = null;
if (config != null && config.getProperties() != null) {
props = config.getProperties();
else {
props = new Hashtable<>();
props.put("dataServices.cardinality.minimum", count);
Launch the example and execute retrieve 3. You should get a valid response like before from a single service (online or offline dependent on the target property that is set). Now if you execute cardinality 2 and afterwards retrieve 3 you should get a CommandNotFoundException
. Checking the components on the console via scr:list will show that org.fipro.ds.configurator.DataRetriever
now has a UNSATISFIED REFERENCE. Calling cardinality 1 afterwards will resolve that again.
Now you can play around and create additional services to test if this is also working for values > 1.
Condition Service & Satisfying Condition
The order in which services and therefore bundles are started in an OSGi runtime is influeced by dependencies. If components reference other components, the referenced components need to be available before the referencing component itself is satisfied. In most cases the definition of a reference via injection is sufficient. And with the use of the Minimum Cardinality Reference Property it is even possible to define the minimum number of necessary service instances to become satisfied. But there are scenarios where such a direct dependency is not possible, or hard to achieve. Especially the usage of the whiteboard pattern can make such dependencies challenging to configure. To solve this the Condition Service was introduced with OSGi R8.
The following example is intended to show the usage of the Condition Service. The use case could be also solved in different ways, e.g. using an extended LDAP filter or direcly referenced services.
to the Target Platform<location includeDependencyDepth="infinite" includeDependencyScopes="compile" includeSource="true" missingManifest="generate" type="Maven"> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>org.osgi.service.condition</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> <type>jar</type> </dependency> </dependencies> </location>
- Add
to the-buildpath
instruction in the pde.bnd file in the org.fipro.ds.configurator project
If the dependency is not resolved directly, execute Main Menu -> Project -> Clean… for that project only to update the Plug-in Dependencies - Create a service of type
- Class name is
- Annotate it with
- Specify the component property
with value onoff - Add references for the online
and the offlineDataService
by using the corresponding Target Property
package org.fipro.ds.configurator; import; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference; import org.osgi.service.condition.Condition; @Component(property="") public class OnlineOfflineCondition implements Condition { @Reference(target="(fipro.connectivity=online)") private DataService onlineDataService; @Reference(target="(fipro.connectivity=offline)") private DataService offlineDataService; }
- Class name is
- Create a new
command similar to theDataRetriever
- Add a reference to the
by using the Target
- Remove the Target Property from the
and the event methods
package org.fipro.ds.configurator; import java.util.List; import; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference; import org.osgi.service.condition.Condition; @Component( property= { "osgi.command.scope:String=fipro", "osgi.command.function:String=onoff"}, service=DataRetrieverOnOff.class ) public class DataRetrieverOnOff { @Reference(target="(") Condition onOffCondition; @Reference private volatile List<DataService> dataServices; public void onoff(int id) { for (DataService service : this.dataServices) { System.out.println(service.getData(id)); } } }
- Add a reference to the
The idea of this example is, that the DataRetrieverOnOff
is only satisfied, if there is an online DataService
and an offline DataService
available in the runtime. So there is a dependency that both services are available before the DataRetrieverOnOff
command can be instantiated.
Launch the application and verify that the onoff command works. Enter onoff 2
in the Gogo shell and verify that you get an output for ONLINE and OFFLINE.
Now dowable for example the OfflineDataService
If you now try to call the onoff command, you will see the CommandNotFoundException
. Checking the services via scr:list
will show that the OnlineOfflineCondition
and therefore also the DataRetrieverOnOff
If you enable the OfflineDataService
again via
the onoff command should work again.
With DS 1.5 the Satisfying Condition was introduced, to make the configuration of a satisfying condition more convenient. Instead of the reference to the Condition
service, you can use the @SatisfyingConditionTarget
Component Property Type.
Change the DataRetrieverOnOff
to use the @SatisfyingConditionTarget
Component Property Type and execute the disable/enable test again.
package org.fipro.ds.configurator;
import java.util.List;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
import org.osgi.service.component.propertytypes.SatisfyingConditionTarget;
property= {
public class DataRetrieverOnOff {
private volatile List<DataService> dataServices;
public void onoff(int id) {
for (DataService service : this.dataServices) {
That’s if for this blog post. It again got much longer than I intended. But on the way writing the blog post I again learned a lot that wasn’t clear to me before. I hope you also could take something out of it to use declarative services even more in your projects.
Of course you can find the sources of this tutorial in my GitHub account:
- OSGi DS Getting Started (PDE)
This repository contains the sources in PDE project layout. - OSGi DS Getting Started (Bndtools)
This repository contains the sources in Bndtools project layout using a Bndtools workspace. - OSGi DS Gettings Started (Bnd with Maven)
This repository contains the sources in a Maven project layout that uses the bnd Maven plugins.