Eclipse Papercut #12 Showing all templates in code completion

less than 1 minute read

I just returned from the JAX conference where I had the pleasure to join a panel discussion about Eclipse. I argued in that panel that the community (including me) need to contribute more to make things easier in Eclipse. This includes improvements in the Java development tools.

On the train ride I decided to try to solve an issue which IMHO makes the usage of the JDT templates much more intuitive.

Currently if you press CTRL+Space twice without a starting letter you end up with an empty list of proposals, which is IMHO not very helpful.


If the proposed patch gets accepted all templates will be shown.


I really like this change, I hope it will be accepted. See Bug report for details.

[UPDATE] Great! Dani from the JDT team accepted my patch for better template handling. That was fast. Bug report.
