The end of Eclipse 3.x
Currently we have in my option the unfortunate situation that Eclipse did fork itself into a 3.x and 4.x stream.
Fortunately this is going to change.
I think it is worth to put emphasis on the statement of Mike Milinkovich.
Quote: As of the Juno release, Eclipse 4 is going to be the base platform for the Eclipse ecosystem. [SNIP] Eclipse 3.8 will also ship as part of the Juno release, but currently there are no 3.x releases planned after that..
I think its great the the platform gets ride of the two code lines.
For users this means that they should give the Eclipse 4.2 milestones a try. For Eclipse projects this means that they should test their plug-ins based on Eclipse 4.2.
For this mean that I should update my Eclipse RCP tutorials.
Both should report bugs in case they find issues.
Happy bug hunting!