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Nexus Repository Manager. This article describes how to use and install the Nexus Repository Manager.

1. Nexus Repository Manager

1.1. What is a Repository Manager

An repository manager allows to store and retrieve build artifacts. The most popular examples for repository manager are Maven Central Repository and jcenter at Bintray, which you can use to retrieve your dependencies for a Maven build.

1.2. What is Nexus?

A Nexus installation brings you such a repository for your company. So you can host your own repositories, but also use Nexus as a proxy for public repositories. With such a proxy the time to receive an artifact is reduced and it saves bandwidth. Nexus allows you to host your private build artifacts. Nexus is avaialable as commercial and Open Source distribution.

2. Installation of Nexus

To install the open source version of Nexus you need to visit Nexus OSS and download the TGZ version or the ZIP version. Currently the latest version is 3.13.0.

To start Nexus, after extracting, the nexus script must be executed with a start parameter in the nexus folder:

cd /NEXUS_FOLDER/nexus ./bin/nexus start

And in case you want to stop Nexus you just have to write stop instead of start:

cd /NEXUS_FOLDER/nexus ./bin/nexus stop

3. Configuration of Nexus

Once the nexus repository manager has been started, its web interface can be accessed under this URL:


The Nexus contains some repositories by default:

nexus default config

3.1. User Settings

The default user is admin and the password is admin123.

The login can be found in the top right corner.

login link

After logging in the credentials can be changed in the profile settings.

login profile
profile update password

4. Creating a repository

We want to have a separate repository for our p2 artifacts. This can be created like this:

  • Login to the nexus


    with User admin and password admin123.

  • Click on Repositories on the right hand side.

  • Select Add..  Hosted Repository and use the following data:

new nexus repository

Now you got a custom repository, which is hosted on your local nexus installation.

5. P2 Nexus Plugins

With the Nexus P2 Bridge Plugin and the Nexus P2 Repository Plugin it is possible to create a proxy repository for p2 update sites. Use the Search Maven to find these plugins.

5.1. Installing p2 Plugins

Download the bundle.zip of your search result.

mvncentral p2 repo

These two downloaded bundle.zip files, which contain the nexus plugins have to be extracted into the sonatype-work/nexus/plugin-repository folder of the Nexus installation.

The nexus server has to be restarted to install the plugins.

./bin/nexus restart

To validate that these plugins are properly installed the plugin console can be used.

plugin console with p2 plugins

5.2. Creating a proxy for p2 update sites

In the repositories tab a Proxy Repository can be created.

create proxy repo

A Repository ID and a Repository Name has to be specifed. (1)

The previously installed p2 plugins offer additional providers like p2. (2)

The Remote Storage Location is the p2 update site url, e.g., https://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.6milestones.

new p2 proxy repo

Finally this must be saved and then the new proxy will be created.

final p2 proxy repo

After settings this up, a target definition can make use of this proxy, but using the given URL:

nexus updatesite consumer

6. Tycho/Nexus Unzip Plugin

The Tycho/Nexus Unzip Plugin can be used to create virtual repositories for unzipped versions of zipped p2 update site.

6.1. Installing the Tycho/Nexus Unzip Plugin

Download the bundle.zip of the Tycho/Nexus Unzip Plugin

The downloaded bundle.zip file, which contains the nexus plugins has to be extracted into the sonatype-work/nexus/plugin-repository folder of the Nexus installation.

The nexus server has to be restarted to install the plugins. ./bin/nexus restart

To validate that these plugins are properly installed the plugin console can be used.

plugin console with unzip plugin

6.2. Setting up an unzip repository

See Tycho/Nexus Unzip Plugin for information how to setup the unzip plug-in.

7. Nexus online resources