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OSGi Component Testing (2024 Edition)

16 minute read

In my last blog post I talked about Getting Started with OSGi Declarative Services. In this blog post I want to show how to test OSGi service components. Thi...

Eclipse Extended Contribution Pattern

25 minute read

Working in the Panorama project, we developed several architectures and designs to improve the collaboration of heterogeneous systems. Although focused on au...

Eclipse RCP, Java 11, JAXB

7 minute read

With Java 11 several packages have been removed from the JRE itself, like JAXB. This means if you use JAXB in your Java application, you need to add the nece...

NatTable - dynamic scaling enhancements

3 minute read

The last weeks I worked on harmonizing the scaling capabilities of NatTable. The first goal was to provide scaled versions of all internal NatTable images. T...

POM-less Tycho enhanced

4 minute read

With Tycho 0.24 POM-less Tycho builds were introduced. This Maven extension was a big step forward with regards to build configuration, as plugin, feature an...

OSGi Event Admin - Publish & Subscribe

22 minute read

In this blog post I want to write about the publish & subscribe mechanism in OSGi, provided via the OSGi Event Admin Service. Of course I will show this ...

Access OSGi Services via web interface

17 minute read

In this blog post I want to share a simple approach to make OSGi services available via web interface. I will show a simple approach that includes the follow...

Control OSGi DS Component Instances

14 minute read

I recently came across some use cases where a more fine grained control is needed for component instance creation. I spent some time in investigating how thi...

Configuring OSGi Declarative Services

36 minute read

In my blog post about Getting Started with OSGi Declarative Services I provided an introduction to OSGi declarative services. How to create them, how they be...

OSGi Component Testing

7 minute read

In my last blog post I talked about Getting Started with OSGi Declarative Services. In this blog post I want to show how to test OSGi service components.

OSGi - bundles / fragments / dependencies

9 minute read

In the last weeks I needed to look at several issues regarding OSGi dependencies in different products. A lot of these issues were IMHO related to wrong usag...

Honored to become Eclipse PDE committer

less than 1 minute read

I’m happy to announce that I was elected as PDE committer. This made the integration of the new png icons in PDE much easier. I plan to work on the PDE tem...

Honored to become Platform UI co-lead

1 minute read

It is a great honor to help in the role of the Platform UI co-Lead together with Paul Webster. Paul was in the past a great mentor for me and I’m very happy ...

NatTable context menus with Eclipse menus

7 minute read

In this blog post I will explain how to add context menus to a NatTable instance and how it is possible to combine menus configured via Eclipse Application M...

NatTable with custom scrollbars

4 minute read

When talking about styling a SWT control via CSS, one issue is raised quite early. The scrollbars can not be styled! Looking at a dark theme, the importance ...

Migration to JUnit 4

1 minute read

When you’re facing the issue to migrate your JUnit 3 tests to JUnit 4, it can be very annoying, because of course you all have a lot of tests. ;)

Dark Eclipse ships with Eclipse Luna

less than 1 minute read

We (the Eclipse platform team) added a dark theme contributed by Andrea Guarinoni to Eclipse Luna M6. Lots of people were asking for a default dark theme. Of...

vogella with 60 000 daily visitors

less than 1 minute read

The number of developers which use the free information provided by continues to amaze me. Yesterdays we had 60 000 visitors on This...

Less screen space waste in Eclipse 4.4

less than 1 minute read

I’m really happy to report that we managed to solve Reduce whitespace usage in the default Eclipse themes . Such bugs are difficult to get agreement upon, as...

New message extension update

less than 1 minute read

I’m very happy and of course proud to see that the new message extension created by Tom Schindl and me is part of the Eclipse platform with Eclipse Luna M3.

Received Eclipse platform committer status

less than 1 minute read

After contributing to the Eclipse platform for a while now, I’m proud to say that I received Eclipse platform committer rights last week. It is a great hono...

Context functions in Eclipse RCP

less than 1 minute read

Context functions in Eclipse RCP are powerful tools. They allow you to register for certain keys in the context and create objects for these keys lazily. I...

Testing plain SWT with SWTBot by Dirk Fauth

5 minute read

SWTBot is a testing tool for testing Eclipse and SWT based applications. If you search for SWTBot you will find some tutorials and a documentation showing ho...

Tycho Advanced by Dirk Fauth

6 minute read

Reading the current literature regarding Eclipse 4 and Maven Tycho, I realized that some aspects on dependency management are not described. IMHO these aspec...

Eclipse 4 and RAP - Continue the port

less than 1 minute read

Last week Ralf Sternberg, Markus Knauer and I spend a second day in porting RAP to Eclipse4. Our start was a bit slow as we redid the changes we did the last...

vogella GmbH founded

less than 1 minute read

Today it is official, my company vogella Gmbh has been founded. Founding members are Jennifer Nerlich and myself.

Eclipse 4 RCP training available

1 minute read

A few weeks ago I heard from Mike Milinkovich at the Eclipse Day At Googleplex 2011 that Eclipse 4.2 will be the basis for the Juno release and Eclipse 3.8 w...

The end of Eclipse 3.x

less than 1 minute read

Currently we have in my option the unfortunate situation that Eclipse did fork itself into a 3.x and 4.x stream. has a new logo

less than 1 minute read

I was trying to find a good logo for for some time now. I started with some abstract figures but I think this is currently a bit overused as I see...

Eclipse Secure storage of preferences

1 minute read

Eclipse allows to encrypt preference values via the plugin “”. The key/ value pairs will be stored in the file “” i...

The persistence of e4

less than 1 minute read

In Eclipse 3.x you can remember the current application state (the user’s layout and window size) between application sessions, via the setting

Reading resources from a Eclipse plugin

less than 1 minute read

Frequenty you want to store static files in your bundle and load them from your bundle. For this you can use the following code, of course replace the bundle...

Presentation Zen

less than 1 minute read

A while ago I read the book “Presentation Zen” from Garr Reynolds. Garrs website can be found at Presentation Zen .

Getting the Eclipse Build ID

less than 1 minute read

Eclipse Bugzilla ask you for your Eclipse Build ID. As I learned from Paul Webster in Bug 300260 you can use the following to put this build ID into the cli...

API for reading Eclipse plugin dependencies

less than 1 minute read

The Eclipse platform provides an API to allows that you can access in information of the MANIFEST.MF. For example you could read the dependencies of your plu...

Reflections on Predictably Irrational

1 minute read

I recently read the book Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. I really enjoyed his insights into motivation and personal judgement of values. If you don’t h...

Conditional Breakpoints in Eclipse

less than 1 minute read

Eclipse allows to setup conditional breakpoints. Very nice feature. You can use Java coding (with content assistent) to program the condition

Eclipse Buddys - Flexible

less than 1 minute read

Assume the situation there you have a plug-in Master which will use classes which can come from plug-in A or plug-in B then. At runtime you have either A or ...